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Web Hosting Services

Shared – Linux/windows
Shared linux hosting is one of the best and economic hosting suitable for beginners in the internet world. It is simple and easy to work on. Though the basic securty is enabled for the share hosting servers, but still there are good number of chances of getting effected due to others activity on the same server.

Cloud Hosting
Cloud Hosting is the best hosting suitable for SMB's and other business needs. It loads the site faster than the shared hosting and more secured. It allows you to over use the space assigned to keep the site live and shares the load between the server located at multiple locations. Cloud hosting is recommened hosting for someone advanced in the world of intenet.

Reseller – Hosting
Earn your living and luxury by selling hosting services on your own name. The reseller hosting is the best suitable product which make it possible. You have the liverage of designing your own hosting packages and sell them on a whitelabelled brand name belong to you.

Domain is the unique identity in the world of internet. Choosing a domain name is very important and i recommend to select easy to remeber and small in size to avoid typo errors. Every domain is associated with a domain extention and its important to select the proper extention to explain the line of business. Domain names help in ranking in the search engines. Its always recommened by the search engines to register the suitable domain name to rank high for the targeted keywords.

Servers – VPS/ Dedicated / Managed
The servers are the private hosting spaces designed to meet the scalled business. It helps in loading the site very fast and also manage as many domains as you want in the same server. Privacy is the utmost priority and security is taken care equally. These are suitable for successful running business to scale and improve the user experience.

Security – SSL/Site lock / Code guard
Security has been a major concern since the begining. But it has become a mandatory services to be bought along with every hosting. The search engines have decided to display a not secure note on site without ssl and security products. They also display a declaration and seek your self declaration if you wish to risk landing on the site. This way it has become mandatory to have SSL to each and every webpage. Sitelock is another wonderful product which helps in protecting your website files by scanning them periodically. Codeguard is the really handy product to restore to the site during the attacks. It saves the backup of the site and restore with just one click.

Email Hosting
Every individual and business use the emails for their communication. Business like to use the business emails for the authorised communication. As free emails are created by any one the business emails are treated as the ofiicial ways to communicate. We do serve clients with email hosting services for their respective needs.

Google Suite
Google suite is nothing but google apps for business. It helps you to operate your business email id on google servers. You can login on the gmail page with your business id and along with professional email space you also get drive to store all your important files and folders. We offer G-Suite at a very reasonable cost.